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Sharing Thoughts

As this moment becomes Une Trajectoire, i reflect on the pathways that I've taken... Some have led me on excursions unfolding within moments after deciding that this would be my course. Others have taken decades to come into focus...i do not shy away from complexity... My Yin is "intriguing", my Yang is "tranquil", and my eyes spin amidst discursivty.

I can define myself with the past, the present, and hopes. Smile we all have something in common, and that is a wanton for peacefulness. The last years were like any other decade in recorded history, seemingly tumultuous, agonizing, and polarizing. Yet, this Positivist thinks that we are experiencing the tail-end of a long mesa endured by all consciousnesses as they strive to realize that life is more resilient as communities than a sum of its parts. In other words, humanity is a late bloomer as it writhes in the last thralls of the "teenage years".

Will i see the Inevitability Become in my lifetime? No. However, like Plato, Machiavelli, the countless Others, the evidence for the Inevitability is omnipresent despite centuries of love, hope, and dedication from billions of humans. The Internet unified individual Consciousnesses beyond the punctuated limits realized only from 100 years ago and persisting for millennia before that "moment" ushered in the conclusive bloodletting of Feudalism.

I'm not a fan of the current new economies created with digital currencies manipulated by the Already Rich. Nonetheless, this is a wonderful demonstration that money is fictitious and a mechanism of entrenching conformity to inegalitarianism. Smile not everything seems perfect, and the suffering sucks. As Earth's weight increasingly measures in units of stardust processed by humans, the specific gravity of our Inevitability reveals itself as an indomitable manifestation.

These words erupt from an authentic soul who has histories that are both congruent and incongruent with Une Trajectoire Comme Çà.

PS walks in along pathways not often taken by Others whilst literally among millions.... These are miles worth walking.


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