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Donald trump...the Duplicitous American President

Written before the onset of the Covid19 Era on November 3, 2019.

I've come to the conclusion that Donald Trump must be a double agent...he is rounding up all the scummiest politicians and organizations (domestically and globally) into a corral for everyone to see how ugly and pervasive the corruption is. This is the a long game strategy that needed to be employed to identify the cabals embodying the worst aspects of crony capitalism.

I hated Donald Trump from the outset by criticizing his proposed policies, denigrating his supporters, and protesting against him. However, nowadays, I think he is pure genius...albeit, only because of my contrarian take on the outcomes of his presidency. A Progressive wave, the Me Too movement, the demise of the Republican party, the Green New Deal, Medicare for ALL, diminishing xenophobia globally, curtailing religiosity, and more could not be solidified with political Revolution...but, these changes could only occur when the BLATANCY of the postmodern status quo is undeniable to the masses!

Many call him stupid, an unwitting buffoon, and fascist. I think the actor embodied the worst traits of Americans, intentionally had designs to the point of treason, and was simply, downright AWFUL! But, look at the results that would not be realizable with a Clinton presidency. In my mind, in my head, this is what we have been waiting for...this is the dream to finally expose the rampant corruption in America by starkly revealing the Republican party.

I did not vote for him, will not vote for him if he runs in 2020, and do not condone those who act grievously from his inspirations. However, if he reveals that his motivations were to usurp the Republican mindset, expose political hypocrisy, demolish the credibility of Fox News and Sinclair Broadcasting, and reveal the necessity to protect the country from a competent, fascist tyrant, then he should be granted clemency for the crimes he committed during his one-man, covert operation. If my theory is correct, then he deserves a monument at the National Mall memorializing America's greatest leaders.

In conclusion, he may not actually be a good-faith actor in the unfolding paradigm shift, and all the credit for the outcomes of his dumpster-fire presidency are attributable not to him but actually a WOKEN American Republic (WAR). If I am wrong about Trump, then I hope the WAR continues to erode the postmodern status quo until its remnants are dust. Occam's Razor would cut my hypothesis into pieces given this subterfuge is so immense and complicated that unless he was an utterly brilliant man capable of the greatest con while simultaneously being the paragon of morality. Nonetheless, I am profoundly optimistic for the WAR, which is more likely an organic response to the sheer awfulness of an unhinged man occupying the Oval Office than my conspiracy-laden hypothesis.


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