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Quitting Cigarettes and Alcohol

The Fabric of Sobriety is not a has Valleys, Peaks, and long distances in between.  Words of Wisdom help us through the process of getting and staying sober; a compilation of my favorite statements inspired by conversations about sobriety are here.  Additionally, I created a calculator to help you understand the costs and what a future without cigarettes and alcohol would entail.  

My first cigarette was amazing!  I liked to get stoned, binge drink alcohol, and I got a huge head rush from my first smoke.  I broke the filter off the second cigarette, inhaled deeply, and looked up into the clear blue sky framed by the trees of the suburban yard.  Cigarettes were so cheap, just one tossed me for a spin, and I was nineteen years old.  

Twenty-six years have passed since I had my first cigarette.  Twenty-eight years have passed since the first time I vomited from binge drinking. Twenty-seven years elapsed after my first hit of marijuana.  For thirty years, my most consistent habits included journaling, alcohol, and smoking cigarettes.  Wading across water with a backpack, sitting alone in a bar with a pen, emoting imagined love, scribbling incoherently, and misspellings are all present throughout the innumerable pages inscribed over the years.  I relished smoking and rewarding myself with over-consumption and writing; I felt as though the drugs gave me the breath to emote the full breadth of the emotions swirling around me at the time.  Unless specifically noted, the drugs refer to cigarettes, alcohol, and modest THC.  


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