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Summer Solstice 2018

The Summer Solstice is upon us. Our lives are still changing even if we are not actively perceiving the multi-dimensional transitions. I have experienced many transitions fomented by fluctuations within and beyond my control. While those that know me well, you have seen many firsthand, and new acquaintances immediately surmise ideas are brewing.

I do not think that I have made all the right decisions, but I have made few bad decisions when trusting my empathy and love. These days, I am known for my positivist introspections in emotional situations. Rarely do I use my acumen to turn up the level of contention, which is a skill I forged as a young man one-third of my current age…and perfected over more than two decades. E.Q.s change…our respective Emotional Quotients are both malleable and resilient…at least, I am proof that they can be.

With all the controversy we perceive through politics and the mass media and governmental policies that simultaneously seem both insane and inane, we forget about our evolutionary crux. We humans can love, communicate complicated ideas, achieve engineering and architectural feats, and desire universal cooperation among all peoples.

I have loved and lost…we have all loved and lost…some of our human brethren have experienced pain that is unfathomable to me and all of you reading this. Sadly, people die…we commit suicide, we are murdered, we succumb to age, and we expire due to negligence. I will continue to appreciate all of you and those not yet met and those never to be known. My strategies are universalisms we see as memes and wisdom both imported and learned first-hand. Maybe I have spent too much time alone, and I am just pontificating…maybe you continue to agree that the point of introspection is to weigh more points of view rather than fewer. I can fathom myself as awful and basically an ineffective loser, and I can judge myself as eruditely correct with assessments made in hindsight. I can also perceive even the subtlest gradations between these light houses. *smile*, now the gist of this specific piece.

Graciousness, Gratitude, and Genuineness are my pillars. You know me by different derivations during my various phases…well, I was…and now, I am different…and yet, I am still the same. Transitions are always in effect and affect your currency…when you find peace with the challenges to your happiness, then life’s beauty unfolds into a myriad of possibilities. This may just be my hypothesis…notwithstanding, now you know me better than you did before reading my semiannual chronicle.

Happy Summer Solstice my dear friends. I only wish you the best in your respective lives. I believe you understand me…at least, you have learned, confirmed, and appreciated me in some way.



a.k.a. Charlie, Chaz, Cha, Chuckles, et cetera


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