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Understanding Taoesm

Taoesm is a creation from a life lived as it has been lived by Charles Provine. Taoism is the ying and the yang, the force of the Big Bang, in other words, something cannot exist without its opposite. For instance, there would be no night without day. There would be no evil without good. There would be no Charles Provine without the Anti-Chuck. Essentially, Taoism’s rough translation is ‘following the path’ yet beyond that, it is indefinable; it can only be experiential. To reiterate, a Taoist would say, “No path is the complete path.” In order to find Taoesm, I needed to have a skull fracture, burn 20% of my body in second-degree burns, feel ostracized throughout my younger years, allow alcohol to consume my happiness, and feel the utmost emotional pain.

At the age of 28, my truism changed from "It is better to regret something you have done than to regret something you have not done" to "Knowledge comes from Others, Wisdom comes from Experience, and Genius is their Unison." The former allowed me shelter from my vices given that at least I was not abusing opiates. The latter gave me direction away from pushing the envelop. However, it would still be another decade before I found the term to describe who I was...Taoest. The moment became a trajectory that had already begun; my first website and company was The All Original (TAO).

The point of this website is to find the non-linear path to understanding where I am coming from...not assembling my life for others to read. Enjoy the Path; while my Path has been fraught with challenges, pain, and setbacks...there have been many enlightening moments, accomplishments, challenges met, and memories made. *Smile*, the monikers that follow me are mostly mine, and the origins of these elements are forged from a molten crucible.



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