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Winter Solstice 2016

The Solstice!

*smile*, that was a wild solar annum. Glaciers calved, wars raged, species are now extinct, people you know passed, and so much more will continue nonetheless. Challenges were met with successes, new starts were everywhere, races were finished, children were born, and infinitely more goodness occurred. What did you learn this year? What was confirmed this year? What remains unsettled?

What did I learn? Not that much to be honest. Yet, this year marked serious reinforcement of an ethos I have been endeavoring to test over years. The trifecta is powerful to practice with a hope to eventually master this Tao: Graciousness, Generosity, and Genuineness will lead to Inspiration.

Enjoy the next year! Solstice is my designated buoy for time, and there are buoys galore in our collective seas. Why Solstice? Well, it happens every year, some celebrate it, some acknowledge it, and others ignore it…yet, no one counts them!

*smile* Thank you for the memories, thank you for the conversations, thank you for your presence.

Wherever you secure your buoy, let us all acknowledge the Solstice next year. A lot will have changed…some will confirm their wisdom…some will uncover new Veritas…and we will all still have some things unsettled. *smile*, newness is upon us…reminiscing of fond experiences…truths will become and break…we find happiness and sorrow…we *smile*…this is the realm of the living consciousness.


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