I like to transplant purslane from the local park; but there is another plant that resembles Purslane, and it is not agreeable...it is called Spurge. Spurge looks somewhat like Purslane, but it does not really once you have identified it with some habit. Spurge is not edible and not poisonous; expect severe abdominal discomfort if you accidentally eat a lot of Spurge.

This is Spurge....it looks like Purslane in that it mimics the succulent somewhat. Foremost the leaves are different sizes even for similarly sized plants.

Can you tell which is which? The top specimen is Purslane and the bottom is Spurge.

Can you tell the difference in the above photo? The roots are about the same....the same, the top is specimen is Purslane and the lower specimens are Spurge.

Can you tell the difference in this photo? This is a large Purslane specimen. It has a larger root than usual for my transplants and I feel lucky to have found such a robust plant in the park given they often mow the grass.

Do you know what this is? Purslane, correct. You can tell by its rosy stalks and smaller leaves. Also, it breaks off in your hand quite easily. Spurge is rubbery and doesn't break easily when bending the limbs. Also, if you break the limb of a Spurge plant, you will see a white sappy liquid form. Do not just take my word for it....here is another authority on the identification of the plant: