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All philosophies must admit their origins are more complicated than a miraculous conception by one individual.  Taoesm is different from its homonym Taoism.  Taoesm is a linkage between the present and future and history’s conceptual relationships with nature and humanity and society.  Taoesm is a post-modern philosophy that will be written by many thinkers, and at its core, Taoesm is a positivist understanding that technology augments human abilities the Anthropocene—the human-made earth.


The free are minds.
Algorithms can apply to our matrixes
Memories create a brain
Even with all the information
Available at the speed of the synapses
Information must still be processed and organized
A brain is inherently and perpetually
Redefining itself according to the intricacies
We do not yet understand
And may never fully appreciate


I am not lost if asked questions about what we could do; I am lost from the perspective of getting my shit together all alone and moving on with dreams, skills, and abilities.  I blamed alcohol and cigarettes for the longest time; they were consistent in my life, but I was unmotivated beyond the immediate work right in front of me.  I could excel in postgraduate classes, earn professional certifications in new fields, and tackle immense projects when paid; as an unpaid entrepreneur, I failed miserably.  I blamed alcohol and cigarettes as the culprit; I am about to launch this time as a sober human.


The Archaeology of T.A.O.

Dreams overtake all else out there, and nobody, even me, knows how it’ll go or where.  

Honestly, the Path is fraught with emotional tears, and the false starts, lost opportunities, ultimate challenges, these all wear.  

Through my eyes, it is not a stare, rather my experiences are varied and rare.  

My constant flame ignites others easily, because I care about others’ dreams and actualities much more than my own welfare.  

I look down sometimes, my lair is disorganized and there can be little to compare.  

I am not broken yet, and dare to venture into unknown spheres still with a unique flair.

 My air is rare and does not blare that I am au contraire with a fair mindset to declare I am now bare.


Contact T.A.O.

*smile* thank you for your input

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