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To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose your feelings is to risk rejection.
To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.


BUT risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.  The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.  He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love.  Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave.  He has forfeited his freedom.  Only a person who takes risks is free.

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Bad Day

What's all this blood doing on my hands?  What's all this blood doing on my hands?  I don't know what's wrong with me.  I'm afraid to move.  Where's my friend Derek?  Where is he?  Why is there blood everywhere?  My hands hurt, my head is spinning, and my vision is just not right.  I still have my glasses on, but something is very, very wrong.


Read the Entire Story


My House

The Professor thought that this was a la Edgar Allen Poe....A sincere compliment.


My brother is the only person that I know intimately in the after-life.  He and I spend most of our time with one another; we often go hiking, fishing, swimming, and play Frisbee or some other sporty activity.  My brother and I traveled across the world many times together, and we have decided that Ithaca, New York is the best place for a home base.  He reads my diary when I ask him to, but he prefers to not remember anything since dying.  


Charlie and I just arrived at the west-end entrance to the Plantations.  And it is necessary to make some things clear before I begin to describe our conversation concerning "Nature" and its forever unresolvable aspects.  Well, Charlie is the student at Serious University, which is where his father teaches History of Science courses to many each fall: both men's surname is Reynolds.  I, the author of this piece, am Charlie's  recalcitrant side; I see the valid antithesis of everything Charlie believes to be true.  Charlie is not the only human alive with me in them; he merely has a more difficult time quelling me: insanity: than most others.


Mother Nature

There’s no style…there’s no harder time…
The mind fucking will be unkind…
The lack of control boggles the ones in ‘control’…
The eternal Category X cyclone is confined inside…for now.
The barriers to maintain composure are eroding faster than anyone knows…
The results will be beyond biblical…
Catastrophe will entail my unfolding demeanor.
You think that super volcanoes, tidal waves, and earthquakes 10.0+ are dangerous…
How sad you haven’t a clue.
Suffice it to say, it will never be the same again after my fury breaks free.
Tales will be told, adages forgotten, tranquility will be lost permanently…
Negative feedback loops will create monsters of unspeakable treachery…
Cleansing all life from my impending wraths.
You cannot blame me, for I have no free-will…
I do not choose to impose malice…
I do not choose to kill billions…
I am but re-balancing what you have imbalanced with your callousness…
The only way I know how!



What is the secret to life we evoke through the séances like gestures and moves.
We know multifarious ways to become the people known within our grooves.
Blockades require agility over such terrain, changing conditions can be smooth.
Love and honesty are the solutions, the secret, the wherewithal that permits us to prove.
We are united forever together, capable, strong, intelligent, and proudest to have these truths.

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