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Easy Quit Smoking

Smoke Free


Easy Quit Drinking

Many read the Naked Mind or Alan Carr books on the methods to quit drinking and smoking.  These are recommended by many and it is not my place to rate their efficacy.  They are clearly highly regarded by millions who have successfully quit drinking and smoking.  If you need to have one link that is worth a million words, then click these:  SMOKING  and DRINKING.  

I get asked what was it that helped me beat the cigarettes or quit the booze...what was it that helped me overcome the vices when I was not able to do this before?  I can point to being more determined, more committed, and tell stories like Nike...JUST DO IT.  However, this is a terse explanation and unhelpful.  The best advice for quitting is available online and the best people to help you quit are online...the best groups to complain to, brag to, or see advice from are online.  Specifically, I love the Reddit platform.  The best groups for me have been r/stopdrinking, r/stopsmoking, and r/quittingsmoking.  

Why I Quit . Com

(for nicotine dependency)

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