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Lists, Lists, Lists, Lists

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

Do you have a list of the reasons why you quit smoking...or drinking...or both...or something else? Motivation is the tenuous wherewithal to start something new, keep strong despite the feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and physical changes that your brain says can be alleviated by restarting (relapsing).

I programmed my Easy Quit Smoking apps to continuously feed me little motivation reminders multiple times a day. Here is my was repetitive but it was effective to remind me why I quit.

  1. Being Healthy

  2. Being Smart about my future

  3. Getting my health back

  4. Handling life without vices to blur the pain

  5. Being fit is fun

  6. Best sex ever coming my way!

  7. Being different than I was

  8. Saving beaucoup bucks

  9. Yes, I CAN DO IT!

  10. I’m hopeless as a drinker and smoker

  11. Saving real money

  12. Being a role model to myself and others

  13. My body can become so much more attractive

  14. I could only become great by quitting my vices

  15. Cigarettes and alcohol are the worst influences on my life…good to be done.

  16. Live better, love better, be better

  17. Ava (my cat) loves that I quit drinking and smoking

  18. I am definitely better without alcohol and tobacco

  19. I can only be loved truly by being superb to myself

  20. I cannot be who I want to be with alcohol and tobacco in my life

  21. I can have a beautiful lover if I get my shit together

  22. Living up to my own standards

  23. Being fit is my dream come true

  24. Challenges are my favorite, now I need to meet my own head on

  25. Sobriety is my finest mentality

  26. A new job awaits me

  27. FUCK the narcissism of drinking and smoking

  28. I’m HANDSOME without alcohol and cigarettes

  29. Being loved as the wonderful man that I am

  30. FUCK yeah, I am becoming really great…really fucking great!!!!

  31. Throughout my life, alcohol and cigarettes defined me…NO LONGER!!!

  32. Lovely days without alcohol and tobacco

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