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1,111 Cigarettes Not SMOKED!

I notice the 1111 whenever it pops up, and it did today! Day 42 for a 1.2 pack-a-day smoker for 25 years. It boggles my mind that I probably spent about $100,000 on cigarettes over the course of this addiction. The degradation to my health is an unrecoverable loss.

I quit drinking alcohol to facilitate my commitment to stop smoking. A dry 30 has become a commitment to a dry 6 months. I'll assess the situation then...but I'm thinking of a new era rather than a dry period. I really love having saved my body from processing 34,500 empty calories from not imbibing 183 beers. The money not spent on addictions hit $1,400 today.

This community and r/stopdrinking are educational and exceptional. The advice, the support, the engagement, the powerful messages...these communities embody the wherewithal to stay committed to ending the costly, self-administered poisonings.

Hey, I feel fucking FANTASTIC. For me, this is a new lease on life and invigorating. As long as I'm here now, I am happy and do not regret the onus of the lengthy period it took to arrive. In other words, everyday I awake without a hangover or reeking of burnt tobacco...this is fantastic!

Thank you all for your honesty and encouragement. Giving back is part of the commitment...given my newness in this modern era, I still need to spend some daily energy to maintain where I want to be.

My most significant advice for a successful QUIT is to ensure you get enough sleep. Other than that, these communities' contributors echo the gist of the multivariate universe of successful will find your Way by doing what it respectively takes to beat addiction.

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