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It Is Just Easier To Not Drink and Not Smoke

Over the last decade, I've quit no fewer than 100 times; some Quits lasted months with 100% abstinence, and some limped along with occasional drunken nights smoking a pack of cigarettes.  I've gone to the bar on day 10 to have just one and bum a cigarette or two, and ended up drunk and buying a pack, because, well, fuck it, I deserved it for being so good.

I'm on day 240ish with complete alcohol abstinence and nicotine cessation.  Anyone who thinks that alcohol helps, yeah, it does for a moment, but a drunk night with potentially awful decisions will be your future...maybe you Will fall into a rut and stay there, thereby losing all that was gained.  It Takes one to know one.

I find it easier to live now without the costs of addiction...monetary and emotional and physical costs can be high with loan shark interest rates.  I hug myself, exercise my body, give my mind truly restful sleep, make good decisions, eat healthier, and ET CETERA!  

I am simply done, and you know what?  Life is more fulfilling on all levels.  If you want corroboration, then read the stories of triumph herein this sub and others like it... and keep going on your own respective Path of sobriety.  I May not be in an ideal place in terms of adequate employment, but I am certainly in a place that I can happily deal with my struggles and smile.  

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