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Where to start....Day 1

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

"I quit smoking and drinking successfully after 25 years of binge drinking and pack-a-day smoking....water was key to the toxin flush. I drank a gallon a day for a month. I still drink at least a half gallon every day."--my Reddit comments in italics unless otherwise noted

On this Reddit's r/stopdrinking and Facebook groups, the common question most often asked is, HOW DID YOU DO IT? The answers range and the results vary; there is no bullet-proof answer to quit drinking and smoking or finalize any addiction. The Path to Recovery is fought and your sobriety is earned; drug addiction is an easy place to be if the externalities are not overly destructive. So, maybe quarts of ice cream, grams of cocaine, shots of hard alcohol, and cartons of cigarettes are not damaging to your lifestyle, your livelihood, and your relationships...alcohol and cigarettes harmed me.


"The positives are cumulative from my experience. It took a while for the weight to shed away. My brain is still not quite right...I'm trying my best and suddenly some issues some to play havoc....tomorrow I try to be the best I can and appreciate the changes still coming."

"And being alcohol free also helps with a lot of other things in life."

"No one knew how much it affected me...i didn't know how much it affected me until I quit..."

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