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Moments in Time During Phase 2

Phase 2 is the second Quit, which is currently 138 days for Alcohol and 131 for cigarettes and 128 for all nicotine. These are words of wisdom during this period that I shared with others.


The problem with tapering is that you are prone to big nights of paying for special occasions, getting a great deal on the drugs, or deserving it. The reason for cold Turkey is to draw a line that you promise not to cross.

I switched from tobacco to a vape...made it 98 days along with quitting booze but used a vape pen with THC for my high. It was a hard 30 days but I was so proud after 30...then 60...then 90...then emotional troubles got me to relapse. I didn't go back into drinking or smoking hardcore...and I quit again on January 22 this year....i didn't vape this time and I'm over both. I'm vigilant, but I'm happy to have sobriety.


Drink a gallon of water daily to detox....this helps immensely


The motto is to keeping trying until it is official


Breaths become Breathing Breath


120 last year for me before official relapse. A really mean ex girlfriend came back with the intent to be harmful. Anyway, we're apart again and I'm doing well. It was easier the second time...maybe it was because I knew the dance already. Schedule yourself a nice dinner and time to meditate tonight. The path I took involved a lot off exercise, water, food, and sleep.


HUG, you can do this! I recommend a journal to record your emotions, liters of water daily, extra sleep, x4 the normal exercise you get, guided meditations on YouTube, and checking in here. You Will be successful when you realize that investing the time and effort is a waste when you need to restart from a trigger. Celebrate success and don't lose your investment!


Relapse, rinse. Relapse. This addiction is nefarious and insidious. I successfully accomplished 5.1 months smoke free and alcohol free. Yet, on new years Eve, I drank and smoked by myself. On the 3 rd, I did the same but more.

I'm now on day 2 without nicotine or alcohol. I'm so fucking done!


I don't know what pushed me over the edge into success after uncountable tries and relapses. I don't care about the formula of my success...there is no formula other than the one that works for you!


One cigarette restarted the addiction. Quitting again after 100 days was a little easier, but not recommended.


My vices are seemingly tied to feeling bad about myself....self reinforcing even. Not smoking and not drinking give me confidence that I can do anything!

I will never date a smoker again. If she quit before, then no problem. If she wants to quit because of my inspiration, no problem. If she likes being a smoker, NOPE!

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