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Updated: Aug 19, 2020

54 pulse...99% saturation of oxygen in my blood and a blood pressure: 120 over 78

August 07, 2019 (15 days after quitting; I needed to see a doctor because of a piece of cotton in my ear from an old swab and me being too obstinate to go get it taken out immediately)

I want to see who sober Charlie will become. Drinking alcohol is an easy reward for hard days...and great days...and days in between when I feel like a distraction. Yet, there is a cost...and that cost led me to try complete sobriety from alcohol. I often went out to the bar with the intention of a couple of beers,…and more often than not, I would imbibe hefty costs.

I quit drinking to cope with the demise of a meaningful relationship, which alcohol played a part in a complicated situation. I do some things well as a drinker, and I don't know what life is really like as a sober, I'm going to see what it will be like. I'm intuitively sensing alcohol is a critical component to how my life has panned out, ok, I truly know alcohol has abetted my current circumstances. Yes, I blame alcohol for a lot of bad stuff for me...but, I have to see first-hand if maybe it's just me that is the problem rather than blaming some thing.

Some people turn the urge...some grow out of it slowly....some quit for someone other than themselves...some get health scares...some hit rock bottom...some are like me...and some are like you...together now in our sobriety...we are stronger than we ever were.


I really missed the social interaction at the bar, but when I stopped drinking, no one missed me. I had my beloved choose booze over me...really, getting drink was more enticing than a fit, healthy, virile man who loves well.... yup, alcohol is a shitty addiction. I don't miss it one bit....i drank enough for 3 lifetimes already and I'm 45.


Thank you. This is so important. Alan Carr adherents downplay the nicotine replacement...and I get that cold Turkey works for many. I quit 100 days last year with a vape. I felt the addiction remain but I was happy to not be smoking. The cost was big for vape tech, at least for my poor soul. Anyway, I gave up the vape and cigarettes after a little relapsing. Then I went full on smoker again...and now I'm 90 plus days smokefree and 90 days nicotine free.

I do love life without an addiction...i miss the memory of relaxation, but I know it is a dream. Smokefree for life! I am a testament to relapsing to solve the issues...and the issues remained but my track record was broken at 100 days. Go for the gold...a love of life.

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