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Resigned Today after Threats of Violence in the Workplace

Whew, 18 months at a blue collar gig...I've been discriminated against by my first supervisor for being too educated and now a co-worker felt okay to threaten me with physical violence. This is the third occasion when the co-worker has shouted and threatened me...he is 6'4 and 280ish and I'm 6'1 and 200ish.

The Details: I've reported this, written 2 letters about the two most recent incidents, and had the GM brush it off and tell me I can leave or go to work. This is a store in a billion-dollar company with sites spanning over 30 states. I have now filed a formal complaint with the corporate HR department.

Whew, I feel sick to my stomach about the hostile workplace. But, I will not continue to work for a company that overlooks BULLYING. Let me just say, I never threatened him or anyone else, never yelled, and stood my ground without flinching. There are a great many more egregious workplace situations that are present in America. I am lucky enough to be well-educated, capable, intuitive, have financial help if needed from family, and a positive attitude free from addiction.

It is important to be healthy, and if you are in an abusive situation, then it is paramount to understand that you must make changes and leave the abuse. This is easier said than done in every abusive situation...and to all those suffering in abuse, you have my empathy and a big HUG!

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