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My Recipe for Getting Better

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

A million ideas, a million processes, a million stories, a million relapses, and millions of successes

What worked for me will not necessarily work for someone else, and vice-versa. If there was a magic pill, there would be many more sober people than there already are.

Most Importantly, the only commonality between all successes stories with ending addiction is this: KEEP TRYING! Few people can quit on their first attempt and successfully navigate all the emotional turmoil, the physical withdrawals, and the long-term urges that creep up. I cannot speak for all those recovering...but, I found that vigilance was the secret ingredient for all successful recipes.

In my case, here is the list:

  1. 1 gallon of water daily to wash out toxins built up in cells and organs...I don't currently drink a full gallon daily, but I did for the first 3 weeks.

  2. Large meals of whatever felt delicious with an eye to keep it healthy rather than replacing empty calories with fatty calories.

  3. Journal daily; do not forget to calculate the calories you did not drink, the money saved, the cigarettes not smoked, the miles walked, the calories burned, the data...the data of quitting that you do not want to stop earning.

  4. Meditating about your future and past and present. I am not an expert here, and liked free videos I found on Youtube. There is no shortage of experts that can help you meditate better and get started; get started!

  5. Exercise as much as possible. You need to set time aside to exercise, and by quitting these vices, you have a lot more time. Calculate the time you would have been drinking, smoking, and otherwise...this is now time available for exercise.

  6. Support groups either online or offline in person. I liked Secular AA (I am an atheist and regular AA did not work for me) for in-person meetings, but it was Reddit that got me through my first 97-day stretch and then my current 130+ day stretch. I visit daily and comment daily; I post rarely.

Life is so much better. The first 4 weeks is challenging, but I bet you're strong enough to overcome this! Look friend, two options...1. you smoke and die but sorta drift through life OR 2. you live life with exercise, fun, great sleep, fantastic sex, and smelling better than dirty butts!
Smiles, I'm just waking up, please excuse my candor.
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