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Thinking about Why...

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

I'm not interested in the party anymore. I quit to eliminate one more reason why I haven't been more successful. So far I'm quit from alcohol and cigarettes, plenty of exercise, and restarting my thinking....i wish it happened faster..


I quit smoking fact smoking was the #1 reason I quit alcohol. I couldn't be smokefree and drink booze too


My best friend was Alcohol...his best friend was really cool to me...Cigarettes. I spent all my time with these guys and spent so much money paying for everything on the daily. Then, I was in a 5-year relationship with an toxic lover...I loved her and she couldn't love me...I'm recovering by healing with sobriety, not smoking, exercise, and staying away from her.


I tried secular AA because I'm an atheist. The stories by the same crew were always similar, lacked details, and focused on powerlessness. I love the variety here, the honesty, and the input. This [r/stopdrinking] is absolutely the best!


I'm right there with you. Days 90 to 100 were intense for me...I I was irritable, got zero done, gained weight I want to keep FUCKING cetera. What helped was just getting through another day.

I hear you, stringing continuous days can feel silly at some point. Why bother? Who cares? Will you enjoy life more? I quit to curtail my excuse to smoke cigarettes...and to no longer have 2 or 3 day hangovers and binges and spending money I don't have. I stay Quit so I don't have to go through the withdrawals again.

Also, I want a sober partner and a nonsmoking partner. My best trick for maintaining a streak...coming here

No one knew how much it affected me...i didn't know how much it affected me until I quit...
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