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Alcohol is the Worst!

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

Alcohol is the worst, the absolute worst partner you will ever will need time to heal!

But, when the healing is magically will know it, because you will have found your soulmate...sobriety! And you will know this is real by the happiness you feel when you wake up next to sobriety every day. Sobriety will never leave you, hurt you with mean discards, or prevent you from living a full life.

Protect sobriety!...Protect sobriety like you would defend your children, mom, or other loved one from harm!

Some people turn off the urge...some grow out of it slowly....some quit for someone other than themselves...some get health scares...some hit rock bottom...some are like me...and some are like you...together now in our sobriety...we are stronger than we ever were.
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