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Starting Again...It Is a Process

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

"I quit alcohol and cigarettes together last year. I maxed out at 97 days and was faced with a incident that I thought required me to drink and smoke to calm down. After that I was wary of relapsing fully and ended up getting drunk a month day. Then a month clean...then one night drinking helped me catch the flu (maybe covid19) and I was miserable....I drank one more time and that was it. I hated the feeling of weakness in my brain and body. I'm free of both again for 130+ days...I'm not going back."


"My aunt died last year during my first successful 98 day quit....I wanted to drink and smoke badly and had a history of using family deaths as an excuse to get really loaded...I took a walk thinking I just might....I ended up 5 miles from home at a Thai restaurant...I ate a ton and walked home. I went to bed early. Going to bed early has helped immensely."

What is going to keep me away from cigarettes and alcohol for the rest of my life is this: I do not want to go through the withdrawals again.

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