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Reaching Others

I have spent the last 7 months of my 230-day sober journey by commenting on no fewer than 500 posts on Reddit groups r/stopdrinking, r/sober, r/stopsmoking, and r/quittingsmoking. Part of the therapy is my self-study of addiction by immersing myself in others' stories shared. Last year, I made it to 97 days; my most highly rated post from that run was about telling people about one's sober journey....because by being transparent, you may inspire someone else to find their sober selves.

I created this website to tell others who are searching for someone to talk to them about sobriety and the struggles and the wins and the pitfalls and the challenges and the restarts and the gamut within the spectrum of getting off the vices. I also did this website to remind myself of the investments needed to successfully quit my vices and not restart them.

I attended secular AA sessions in my town of Scottsdale, Arizona, but the attendees tended to tell the same stories over and over. I like Reddit groups because the stories are so different and there can still be bonding when something is just perfect.

One Redditor posted his video about quitting weed (marijuana); THC can create a habit, is considered a vice when used daily/often, and can be challenging to quit using on a regular basis. That said, quitting weed is not different than quitting alcohol or nicotine...meaning, there are withdrawals, there are chemistry changes in the body, and there are serious efforts to overcome the psychological addiction.

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